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Facebook: account been hacked?

Friday, July 8, 2011

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Lately, aku tengok makin banyak Facebook account kena hacked. Lots of things could be done when they gained access to your Facebook account. Better safe than sorry dude. Korang boleh increase your facebook security dengan these steps.

1. Macam biasa, go to your Account Settings.

2. Dekat Account Security, click change.

3. Tick the Secure Browsing (https). Why https is better in security wise? Read here.

4. Tick the Login Notifications, Send me an email. What it does? It will send you an email if there is another new or unauthorized computer or device tries to access your Facebook acount.

5. Tick the Login Notifications, Send me a text message. What it does? It will send you an SMS if there is another new or unauthorized computer or device tries to access your Facebook acount.

6. Tick the Login Approvals, Require me to enter a security code sent to my phone. What it does? It will send you a confirmation code when unrecognized computer or device tries to access your Facebook account. It's like the TAC code sent by banks when you want to do online banking transactions.

7. And don't forget to click Save.

Bila those things korang dah buat, those info akan visible under account security. Mudah-mudahan, Facebook korang selamat. Alhamdulillah dan selamat hari Jumaat ;D

p/s: Steps 3 to 6 tu, boleh la korang pilih based on apa korang nak, tanak tick semua pon tak pe. The more the better.