Onedot12 Facebook fanpage
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
| 12:49 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |

new blog: AnokWanok
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
| 1:35 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
100K pageviews
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
| 4:17 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Terima kasih :D
Onedot12 is now 2 years old!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
| 10:38 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Gile lah!
Friday, December 9, 2011
| 8:30 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Kui kui kui.
Update: at 11.06am dah 763 pageviews dah pulak!
Update: after 6 days, dah jadi top ever viewed post, 895 views!
DISQUS: for blog commenting
Monday, November 14, 2011
| 12:00 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Anda boleh pilih mahu gunakan account mana, sebagai contoh di bawah menggunakan Facebook, then click the "Sign in with Facebook" button.
Blog: Pageviews
Thursday, October 20, 2011
| 8:30 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Agak-agaknya, bila lah akan dapat macam bawah ni? HAHAHA. mode #giletrafikkeblog
Facebook has change how it's News Feed works, again ...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
| 11:00 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Before NetworkedBlogs, we have to manually post our blog posts to our Facebook wall with the status update share links. So tak berapa efisien lah. With NB it makes reaching our friends with our blog posts is easy, until recently.
Menurut satu thread ni kat NetworkedBlogs Support, ia disebabkan oleh algorithm Facebook yang dipanggil EdgeRank, di mana algorithm ini menentukan setiap user Facebook lebih mahukan/lihat yang user tu suka (how they know for sure???). It has been articles written all around the net duk cakap pasal ni, how it affects your visibility. Here and here.
So now, there's still NO SOLUTION for NetworkedBlogs users on Facebook. Kena post manual macam zaman batu, ok?
P/S: It's our 200th blog post! yeay!
Bila Google hantar surat ...
Friday, August 19, 2011
| 11:22 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Rupa-rupanya, depa nak promote Google Adwords, which is untuk iklankan kat Google lah, cuma diorang bagi voucher sebanyak RM125 untuk mencuba produk Google itu. Perlukah aku guna ni untuk drive traffic to our blog ni? hurm.. kena response before 31 August, kalau after that & before 16 September the voucher yang dapat hanyalah RM70. Tapi perlukah semua ini?
Blogger: use your own custom favicon
Saturday, July 30, 2011
| 9:38 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Favicon or favicon.ico yang aku maksudkan tu adalah icon yang keluar kat web browser sebelah page title blog or website korang.
Before this, aku terpaksa "edit html" blog kitorang ni untuk tukarkan favicon B orange tuh kepada yang kitorang guna skrg ni, the red 1.12 with black background. So aku baru je perasan kat Blogger dah ada teknik menyenangkan blogger untuk menukar favicon mereka, so aku try la sharekan benda ni. Benda ni remeh temeh tak penting sangat pon. To do so, go to Blogger's dashboard > Design > Page Elements.
Lepas itu, dekat Favicon click edit dan upload lah favicon korang tuh.
"But, I don't have any favicon to be uploaded!" Well, korang boleh create it online. Sebagai contoh, boleh create them dekat website http://www.favicon.cc/
Blogger with mobile template
Thursday, June 9, 2011
| 5:04 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Wah! Sekarang blogger dah comes with mobile template (still in beta, but what's the harm?). Which means, kalau blog korang is being viewed on mobile devices, dia akan auto load in mobile view.
To activate:
new domain name - onedot12.com
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
| 5:10 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Pengumuman, mulai saat ini, our blog address is http://onedot12.com
Maka boleh la update links/bookmark korang ye? (macam lah ramai reader.. hahahaha)
musz.net - our wedding photographer
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
| 10:54 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
baru perasan Musz just updated his blog with our wedding entry. Thanx bro!
Aku curious je..
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
| 3:38 PM |Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Hai...Assalamualaikum...masih lagi takde mase nak update stori mori..
Biar my hubby jelah stori2 psl trip..hihi..
Aku juz nak cite pasal my curiosity...haih..pasal ape lak?
Yelah...banyak kali gak bile aku cek keyword tuk ke blog aku nih, aku jumpe keyword nih,
Nampak tak yang aku bulat tuh? huhu...sape yang suke cari blog aku nih dengan meng'Google' name penuh aku nih? yang pasti, orang ni tahu name penuh aku...HAHA
Tak kisah la sape pon...aku cadangkan orang ni follow je blog aku nih...kan senang...tak payah la tiap kali nak Google je...huahua...penat kot..hihi :p
Tu jelah nak cite...anyway, Thanks sudi bace blog kami...:D
Google Reader :D
Friday, May 6, 2011
| 2:06 PM |Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Hola...saje ingin menulis....ade beberapa bende aku nak cite...tapi tak sempat lagi nak mengarang.
Maybe weekend ni bole cite banyak2...:D
Banyak bende yang nak disetelkan bulan Mei ni...aku harap Mei cepat2 berlalu...huhu...
So, for now...aku juz nak share....korang2 kalo bace blog orang, korang bace kat mane?
bila la nak kaya with blogging ni
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
| 4:09 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Hampir tiap-taip hari aku duk jenguk account aku kat Nuffnang & Google adsense. Hasilnya agak tidak memberangsangkan. Ntah bila la baru nak eligible untuk cash out. Hasil dari iklan2 yang terpapar kat blog ni, sikit-sikit je week by week. Kekadang no hasil at all sepanjang bulan! I wonder how those yang duk earning kaw kaw with their blog. Maybe belum tiba rezeki kot...
Kontest Blog Terkemas
Saturday, December 18, 2010
| 8:40 PM |Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Blog ni tak tau la kemas tak...tapi memang encik suami saye yang susun sume ni..hehe
Hope boleh menang la....;p
So saye tag tiga lagi blog yang ade potensi nak join contest ni...hehe
1. Sarah
2. Aween
3. Mas
Join la eh!!! daaaa....:D