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This blog has two authors. Differentiated by 'Posted by' Ramzul Ramli or Fazlina Anuar on the top of every post. Thank you.

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Showing posts with label intro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intro. Show all posts

secret ke?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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he he he...

most of the readers duk been asking us, "bile nak kawen?", "bile tarikh keramatnye?", "lambat lagi ke??"... ;D. Well guys, we do gave you hints here, sama ada u guys perasan or not je. The answer is here. HAPPY HUNTING! ;D

nota kaki: sile refer blog title ye!

Ramzul vs Faz

Sunday, February 7, 2010

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How to start??Mmmmm...
This blog is created to make we remember every step we take till may first.
What is may first??hehe...mcm name ubat yg AC Mizal jd duta lak..;)

We still in planning stage...but our moms agree to choose may first for us to:



Our URL : Why??

One and Twelve is so close to us...
The Fiance birthday is 12 January
The Fiancee birthday is 1 December.
So, remember our blog and visit it to share our journey!!!!!

End of our blog intro...;D