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We've planned, but determined by God.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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All this while, talking about our plan, preparation n all. talking bout bajet, uma later...sume msuk planning...da pusing2 area wgse maju,ampang smpai ke ukay perdana juz for the sake of nk usha uma tuk duduk pas W-day...n even da berangan a bit g keje same2...huhu...(beh2!!! :D)

Tp, surat poslaju that i pick up last saturday change almost everything. i got a new job offer!!! syukur, Alhamdulillah..sgt thankful to God give us such gift pd wk2 our company dlm kesukaran. huhu...i never think of change my job in a very short time, NEVER! but Tuhan Maha Kuasa, penentu segala.. n this offer sgt sukar utk ditolak. it's a dream job that sume perempuan yg getting married nk! (i think la....salah, jgn marah..;p)

So, our plan stop a while! huhu...kene tarik nafas sejenak..sume pro n cons of that job n effect to our future. Tnye others, Mr A, Mr K, Mr S n Ms N sume says, "accept la faz..." mak pon says go! n da tnye few kwn2...xde sorg pon ckp jgn...huuuuu....

I'm so thankful dpt that offer, tp knape skrg?? time we are busy with plan n preparation for the peluang bkn dtg bnyk kali...:(

n tgk mke Mr Fiance mse mkn td, dgr die ckp "pasni xle lunch same2 da.." sedey la plak... adeh... even i didn't show it, i do sad...xsmpai ati lak xmkn same2 lu b4 blik td...uwaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Sok, papehal kene dscss lu ngn bos. then kene tnye hr bout my bonding ngn sapura n last, kene tggu 25 February ni tuk th dpt keje ktne sbb skrg juz thu post n jabatan...kt mne, xtau...yes! it's a gov!!!

Tolong frens!! doakan aku dpt area dkt2 k!!! kalo dpt jauh, xtau la cne nanti...huuuuwaaaaa......

Kite hanya merancang, Tuhan penentu segalanya!!! aku redha...:)

Love U wherever I am.Definitely!