This kind of flexi payment plan for credit cards is great (sebab low interest!) tapi masalahnye...
Harini memang free ckit....plus ade netbook baru..hehe...post sume cite yang ade..:)
Excited tak bace tajuk?heh...aku lagi terlebih-lebih excited...
Hmmmm....kawen memang besh!!!!! sume le buat same-same...ade orang jage...seronok!
Tapi for me, ade one thing yang really buat aku rase kawen kadang-kadang tak best...:(
Of coz...it is NOT because of my hubby...I'm so happy to be his wife!!!
Yang tak best ialah soalan cepu emas yang same tahap dengan soalan "Bile nak kawen"
Iaitu: "Bile nak dapat anak?", "Perut da ade isi tak?"....penah dengar???
Aku adalah pengguna Credit Card jenama Maybank..heh
Bukan nak promote gune credit card ok!
Cume nak cite sepanjang aku gune dari 2009 kot, tak penah lagi aku redeem point card tuh.
Alkisahnye...hari Sabtu minggu lepas pegi kenduri anak sedare ayah aku.
Tak penah pegi, so tak tahu mane tempatnye...mintak alamat, mak tak kasi lak..
huhu....actually mak aku suro follow kete die...So, follow la..
kete abah, kete kakak aku sefamily and kete kami..
Fuh....minggu yang paling memenatkan.
I've just reach level 33 to unlock the new 2010 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 and I have yet to create any skin that relates to a Liverpool player. So I made this, The Fernando Torres (read: shit) skin with Liverbird & Spanish flag.
Don't you always envy those people who can swipe and double tap with fingers on their phones? And now I can be one of them cause #DiGiiPhone4 is giving out iPhone4 with just an upgrade on your current line!
and here is the skin file: