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Unplanned Pre-Wedding Photoshoot

Monday, April 12, 2010

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Da lame gak we decide to print bunting for our wedding, but we didn't have proper picture to put, las weekend ajk our wedding photographer iaitu Musz tuk amik gambar!!! hehehee....ske2!!! location mne eh? mule2 ingt nak amik gamba kat uma Musz je...beh gak...le tgk baby dier...tapi las2 Musz kene keje kitorg amik gamba kt opis je la...Sapura Wangsa Maju...heee...
Misi bermula dgn mencari bju yg sesuai..mmm...ingt nk wat xde bju lak...las2 pnjm bju kawen akak ipar aku, kak suzi n yg len2 pkai yg mse tunang ari2...Mr Fiance lak pnjm bju to Haidel..;)

umah ooh umah ...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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agak² dah dekat sebulan pencarian umah/area umah utk kitorang duk nanti. so far, belom ade lagi hasil tapi dah ade few yang dah been shortlisted & harap² hal umah ni bleh soon to be settled. anywho might have some ideas on suitable neighbourhood to live in? somewhere in between Shah Alam & Wangsa Maju would be nice ;D.

Cam umah skrg, aku dah really tak larat utk tolak kereta² yang double park depan keta aku di pagi hari tatkala time aku nak gi kerja, so klu bleh tamau dah area yang ade such issue.

We are seeking for a guarded apartment yang klu bleh within our budgets, and yet the deposit 1+1 ke... would be nice! agak susah lately nak jumpe yg deposit 1+1 nih, kecik sket modal utk masuk umah baru rite? byk lagi benda² dalam umah yang nak dibeli, so klu dapat deposit yang camtu realy really helps.. the hunt for our FIRST HOME continues. Hope we could find it before May First ;D

The very las week!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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It's been a month at JMTI and this is the las week. …yeayyyy!!! I’m back to KL!!! Sepanjang sebulan kt cni, ape yg aku buat eh? Ngaja?-blom, masuk lab?-blom, jage pekse?-blom, meeting?-blom…huh! Ape je??? Juz spent time buat WIM…ape tuh???haha! mcm guideline tuk mengaja nanti…ok la…at least preparation tuk pedagogi…mende lak pedagogi tuh??hihi…

Actually, to be a PLV ( is it ‘a’? blasah lah!) kene ade SKM…mende plak SKM…Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia…yela..ngaja dak2 amik SKM…cikgu pon kene la ade SKM…so, I’ve to complete 2 SKMs in 3months each n another 3 months for months!!!n the best part is sume tuh buat kt CIAST, Shah Alam!! Yeayyyy…sgt ske!!! 2 tahun pon sye sggup training!!! ;p tapi thun dpn, mai blik JMTI naaaa…huhu…jgn buat2 lpe lak…heeeee…..

check your mailboxes!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

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For those who did respond to our request for address, may it via facebook or e-mail, our wedding invitation card should be soon reaching your mailbox. Sile la hadir & bawak hadiah besar² ye ;P

Now i know the reason why..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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W-day?? 38 days more to go...Waaahhhh...pejam celik da dekat gak, smbg cte Mr Fiance in last entry, las weekend, me, faris, farah, abah, pak cik rostam (jiran kami) n pak cik shahrir (jiran gak,polis!) bgn awl2 pg nk g uma tok kadi...janji kol 9 pg, kol 8 da siap kot...excited!! dgn sume borg2 yg da lengkap, kami pon tibe kt uma tok kadi 10 mnts b4 kol 9..terawal..sib bek Ustaz Ngalim xksh..hehe..

Maka, die pon cek la borg2; borang 2C,borang 2D, copy of my ic,wali n saksi2, HIV test result n lastly borg yg Mr Fiance kasi..lengkap! die pon suro sume sign..Alhamdulillah...then die tnye lak..kol bpe nk nikah ni on 30th April? erk...kalo le nk mlm ustaz...ustaz pon cek la diary...huhu...after jumaat till mlm, full je free...nk wat cane..setuju je la...ade hikmah kot...sedapkn ati..:)

Setel bab daftar! ustaz suro antar 2 copy kt die..hehe...abah la setelkn kot...;)