DIY: Curtain as room divider
Monday, November 29, 2010
| 8:15 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Sesaje rase nak makan...:D
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
| 4:08 PM |Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Oh...aku tak tahu la yang ni termasuk dalam kategori mengidam ke ape....sebab dari dulu g aku suke aku da tempah cupcakes sebab teringin nak makan!!!! aku tempah dekat hmmm.....sedap!!!! tapi aku tak bape suke die tabur serbuk kelapa sikit-sikit kat tepi-tepi cupcakes tuh...tapi okay la....yummmmyyyy!!!! hehe.....bile la aku nak blaja buat sendiri eh...ntahlaaa....haha....
J.CO Donuts @ IOI Mall
| 9:15 AM |
Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Aritu kitorang jalan-jalan kat IOI Mall......suke bile tetibe nampak JCo Donuts...hehe...
Cun kot JCo kat sini...cube tengok...
Celebrate Aidiladha @ Terengganu
| 8:50 AM |
Posted by Fazlina Anuar |
Biase every year aidiladha aku lepak je kat umah...jarang balik kampung and tak tengok pon orang buat korban...heeee....sian kan? tahu-tahu orang antar daging, mak masak, makan!! hehe...
Sile-sile bace agi..hehe...
share your celcom / maxis broadband
Monday, November 15, 2010
| 10:35 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |

Ever wanted to share your 3G broadband with other people at your home? do you have to buy quite an expensive wireless router with 3G broadband support? (RM300+ kalau tak silap) well.. there's another way for you to share it. And I am using it now at my home, the 3G internet is shared between my pc & my wife's netbook over the wifi. Here's how to do it..
Don't you always envy those people who can swipe and double tap with fingers on their phones? And now I can be one of them cause #DiGiiPhone4 is giving out iPhone4 with just an upgrade on your current line!