Save Gaza

This blog has two authors. Differentiated by 'Posted by' Ramzul Ramli or Fazlina Anuar on the top of every post. Thank you.

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secret ke?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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he he he...

most of the readers duk been asking us, "bile nak kawen?", "bile tarikh keramatnye?", "lambat lagi ke??"... ;D. Well guys, we do gave you hints here, sama ada u guys perasan or not je. The answer is here. HAPPY HUNTING! ;D

nota kaki: sile refer blog title ye!

9th years old's Fear Factor is gone!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Fear Factor???hihi...can't remember exactly...was it standard 3 or 5? Tp yg pasti mse cikgu bg kad tuk mak aku sign, aku ckp "JGN SIGN MAK!!" hihi....
sign utk ape???Kebenaran utk Rubella Shot!!! Yeaaahhh!!! sehingga aku brumur 25thn (blom bln 12 2010 kn?? ;p) aku blom pnh dpt Rubella injection...huhu..

I never think that Rubella shot is so important 4 me in future...sume th x??? Rubella vaccine ni nurse bg kt kte mse skola dulu2 so that our body immune to Rubella nye kuman n dpt biasekn diri ngn kuman2 tu dan le lwn blik kalo2 dijangkiti Rubella. But the most important part is this vaccine only given to gurls mse skole rendah n purposely utk our future. Cane lak eh???


Monday, February 8, 2010

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time nak beli cincin btunang b4, the fiancee did asked, tanak ke cincin? "xpa... i tunggu cincin kawen jaaa..." ;D

so..several weeks later after our e-day, then came my turn to pick the ring. several rings dah been tried that time, but end up to pick this one up. y?

sebab kat surface dia ade sharp edge cam kat Superman's S-shaped nye family crest. that's y! ;P

looking fwd to wear this ring permanently ... can't wait eh? well... sort of!!!

a must b4 getting married!!!

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Haven't read this??

"Kursus Pra perkahwinan ialah kursus penyediaan bagi bakal-bakal pengantin.Kursus ini WAJIB diambil bagi bakal pengantin", anyone who want to get married, dare to take this first:

"Kursus Kahwin"

We've been complete this and get:

Yeaahhhh!!! skrg da pass kot soklan tok kadi, kn dear??? ;p


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